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An oracle configuration collector

  What is ora2html ?
Ora2html collects information about the oracle installations found on a server and creates a report in either html or as plain text.

Reports include information on both installed server software and configured databases, and tries to show relevant information in an easy to read fashion.

Although the generated reports are geared towards providing system documentation for the lazy DBA, some of the information gathered comes in handy for tasks like capacity planning, backup/recovery, database reviews, security auditing, etc. The reports gives a pretty good idea of what's happening in a database.

  • Features:
    • Output to text, partial HMTL or full HTML glory.
    • Automatic detection of installed software, including listing of config and versions
    • Automatic detection of databases to report for
    • Supplies background information and advice where practical and/or possible
    • Provides OS hw/kernel/user information
    • Displays database configuration files and basic instance information
    • Displays physical layout of a database
    • Displays performance indicators for a database
    • Displays basic security issues for a database
    • Displays information about things like DIRECTORIES, JOBS, SNAPSHOTS, etc ...
    • Works OK for Real Application Clusters
    • Ugly generated html code
    • You CAN limit the amount of information it puts out ;-)

  • Yes, but what IS it? Really ?
    • Well, ora2html is a korn/bash shell script written for unix and linux platforms
    • It requires a working oracle environment up and running, and preferably a database.
    • It doesn't work well for versions prior to 8i, but it'll run.
    • So far it works well on these platforms: Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX and Linux
    • It'll work for other ux-versions, but expect error messages.

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